With towers rising 552 feet above water level, and piers resting on bedrock 210 feet below water level, the Mighty Mac is a feat of human engineering. At midspan, the roadway of the Mackinac Bridge rises 199 feet above the water which reaches a maximum depth of 295 feet below. All told, over a million tons of concrete and steel combine to form the giant, yet beautiful, bridge.

Designed by Dr. David B. Steinman, the Mackinac Bridge illustrates bigger ideas - it provides safe passage where the hazzards of nature used to take a heavy toll of people and goods, and having endured more than fifty-five winters since it's completion, it demontrates that the faith placed in its engineers was well founded.

The Bible presents Jesus Christ as the "bridge" between man and God, providing spiritual safety and mending our broken relationship with God. The Bible also gives us good evidence that faith placed in Jesus Christ is well founded and won't be disappointed.

    Prepared to take God at His word, if you could know what He has said? Here you'll find plain statements of the Bible that need no interpretation - their meaning is obvious.

    If the Bible had the answers to life's biggest questions, you might expect to find people talking about it! And in fact, you do. You can find a few of them right here.

Have Questions?

    There are a lot of ideas out there - how can we know the truth? For that matter, is there such a thing as absolute, knowable truth? Here we address important questions and present evidence that will allow you to take God at His word without leaving your brain at the door.

More Videos

The following are links to some outstanding material on other sites. We hope you'll enjoy these talks on different subjects:

GoodNewsMichigan is designed to answer your questions about ultimate reality and the things that really matter - who we are, who God is, and what He expects of us. We are absolutely convinced, on the basis of overwhelming evidence, that God does exist, that the Bible is His communication with us, and that the resurrection of Jesus Christ is a historical fact that demands a response.

This site won't answer all your questions - please feel free to contact us with whatever honest questions, you may have. But don't just take our word for anything - it's not our opinion that counts, but the Word of God.

We've recently added videos from a couple indiviuals who were happy to share a little of what God has done in their lives. There are more in the pipeline, so drop by again later (but not right away!). Also new is a link to an excellent series titled "Christianity on Trial" by J. B. Nicholson.

We're adding material a bit at a time. Is there a topic you'd like to see addressed? Contact us, and let us know - maybe we can add it!

Si vous parlez français: L'Heure de la Bonne Nouvelle

Si usted habla español: Voces para Cristo: Palabras de Vida