Here are some other websites you might find very helpful - they're good solid sites that we highly recommend.

Associates for Biblical Research

Ongoing archaeological research of Biblical history, as well as other historical information.

Fixed Point Foundation

Larry Taunton provides keen analysis of Christianity in the marketplace of ideas.

Reasonable Faith

William Lane Craig takes on the modern atheists in an able manner from an intellectual perspective.

Creation Ministries International

Institute for Creation Research

If evolutionary science is a barrier to belief in the Bible for you, you may find these sites helpful

Ravi Zacharias International Ministries

An organization that will help you think through big questions of truth, purpose, meaning, and morality.

Summit Ministries

Summit is an organization that both teaches the Biblical Worldview, and also compares and contrasts it with other leading worldviews.

The John 10:10 Project

The John 10:10 Project will help you to take a moment to think about the stunning world you live in, and the purpose behind it.